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4021 / Berlin
1466223 / 4021 / Berlin. 4021 / Germany, Berlin: new architecture at the banks of Spree river in the Government district in Berlin Mitte. Near the Reichstag (Reichstagsgebaeude, now hosting the german Parliament, Bundestag) new buildings provide facilities and offices for members of Parliament. The picture shows the building of the BUNDESPRESSEKONFERENZ, here press conferences are held and news organisations have offices.  At the very same spot 17 years ago the Berlin Wall divided East and West.-  Alfred Buellesbach / VISUM, 2006 - Stichworte: Germany, Berlin, government, district, Deutschland, Bundesrepublik, Hauptstadt, Bundeshauptstadt, Regierungssitz, Regierung, Regierungsviertel, Administration, architecture, buildings, offices, Bundespressekonferenz
17 августа 2006 20:08
Номер фото: #1466223
Размер макс: 4146x2764
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   "марка" (до 4.2x3 см)     18.00

4021 / Germany, Berlin: new architecture at the banks of Spree river in the Government district in Berlin Mitte. Near the Reichstag (Reichstagsgebaeude, now hosting the german Parliament, Bundestag) new buildings provide facilities and offices for members of Parliament. The picture shows the building of the BUNDESPRESSEKONFERENZ, here press conferences are held and news organisations have offices. At the very same spot 17 years ago the Berlin Wall divided East and West.- Alfred Buellesbach / VISUM, 2006 - Stichworte: Germany, Berlin, government, district, Deutschland, Bundesrepublik, Hauptstadt, Bundeshauptstadt, Regierungssitz, Regierung, Regierungsviertel, Administration, architecture, buildings, offices, Bundespressekonferenz

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