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4205 / Hannover Hauptbahnhof
735839 / 4205 / Hannover Hauptbahnhof. 4205 / GERMANY, LOWER SAXONY, 10.08.2004: People sitting at a cafe in front of the Hanover main station. /  Hannover Hauptbahnhof: DEUTSCHLAND, NIEDERSACHSEN, 10.08.2004: Menschen sitzen in einem Cafe vor dem Hauptbahnhof von Hannover - Martin Leissl / VISUM - Stichworte: Deutsche Bahn, Bahnhof, Hauptbahnhof, Reise, Reisen, reisen, besuchen, Sehenswuerdigkeit, Besucher, Urlaub, Fassade, Sehenswuerdigkeiten, Tourismus, Touristen, Haus, Haeuser, Fussgaengerzone, Wahrzeichen, Denkmal, Denkmaeler, Denkmalschutz, Fassaden, Tourist, x11x01y06, Architektur, Besuch, Baustil, Menschen, Personen, Leute, Gebaeude, blauer, Himmel, blau, Hannover, Hauptstadt, Landeshauptstadt, Niedersachsen, Bahn, DB, Gaststaette, Restaurant, essen, Essen, trinken, Gast, Gaeste, sitzen, draussen, Sonne, Sommer, Cafe, Sonnenschirm, Sonnenschirme, Strassencafe # afield, architectural style, architecture, beings, blue, bluer, break, building, buildings, cafe, cafй, caller, capital, capital city, course, edifice, exeat, facade, facades, folks, food, gentry, guest, guests, hannover, hanover, heaven, home, house, houses, journey, landmark, leave, lower saxony, main-station, meal, memorial, memorials, men, metropolis, monument, monuments, outdoor, outdoors, parasol, path, pathway, pedestrian precinct, pedestrian zone, people, persons, protection of historic buildings and monuments, railroad station, railway, railway station, railways, restaurant, road cafe, sight, sights, sightseer, sightseers, sky, sojourner, sojourners, state capital, station, storefront, storefronts, summer, sun, sunshade, sunshades, to attend, to come to see, to do bird, to drink, to go to see, to imbibe, to patronize, to sit, to visit, tourism, tourist, tourists, tram, travel, travels, trek, trip, visit, visitation, visitor, visitors, voyage, voyages, way, web # - news13.07.05 [Jede Nutzung des Fotos ist honorarpflichtig gemaess derzeit gueltiger MFM Liste ­ Kontakt: Fotoagentur VISUM, Hamburg, T. (+49)40.28 4 91385621.jpg 200408
29 июля 2004 16:37
Номер фото: #735839
Размер макс: 2000x3008
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   Обложка     120.00
   1-ая полоса газеты     65.00
   Разворот (от 1/1 до 2/1 A4)     85.00
   Страница (от 1/2 до 1/1 A4)     55.00
   1/2 A4 (до 21x15 см)     30.00
   1/4 A4 (до 15x10.5 см)     27.00
   1/8 A4 (до 10.5x7.5 см)     23.00
   "марка" (до 4.2x3 см)     18.00

4205 / GERMANY, LOWER SAXONY, 10.08.2004: People sitting at a cafe in front of the Hanover main station. / Hannover Hauptbahnhof: DEUTSCHLAND, NIEDERSACHSEN, 10.08.2004: Menschen sitzen in einem Cafe vor dem Hauptbahnhof von Hannover - Martin Leissl / VISUM - Stichworte: Deutsche Bahn, Bahnhof, Hauptbahnhof, Reise, Reisen, reisen, besuchen, Sehenswuerdigkeit, Besucher, Urlaub, Fassade, Sehenswuerdigkeiten, Tourismus, Touristen, Haus, Haeuser, Fussgaengerzone, Wahrzeichen, Denkmal, Denkmaeler, Denkmalschutz, Fassaden, Tourist, x11x01y06, Architektur, Besuch, Baustil, Menschen, Personen, Leute, Gebaeude, blauer, Himmel, blau, Hannover, Hauptstadt, Landeshauptstadt, Niedersachsen, Bahn, DB, Gaststaette, Restaurant, essen, Essen, trinken, Gast, Gaeste, sitzen, draussen, Sonne, Sommer, Cafe, Sonnenschirm, Sonnenschirme, Strassencafe # afield, architectural style, architecture, beings, blue, bluer, break, building, buildings, cafe, cafй, caller, capital, capital city, course, edifice, exeat, facade, facades, folks, food, gentry, guest, guests, hannover, hanover, heaven, home, house, houses, journey, landmark, leave, lower saxony, main-station, meal, memorial, memorials, men, metropolis, monument, monuments, outdoor, outdoors, parasol, path, pathway, pedestrian precinct, pedestrian zone, people, persons, protection of historic buildings and monuments, railroad station, railway, railway station, railways, restaurant, road cafe, sight, sights, sightseer, sightseers, sky, sojourner, sojourners, state capital, station, storefront, storefronts, summer, sun, sunshade, sunshades, to attend, to come to see, to do bird, to drink, to go to see, to imbibe, to patronize, to sit, to visit, tourism, tourist, tourists, tram, travel, travels, trek, trip, visit, visitation, visitor, visitors, voyage, voyages, way, web # - news13.07.05 [Jede Nutzung des Fotos ist honorarpflichtig gemaess derzeit gueltiger MFM Liste ­ Kontakt: Fotoagentur VISUM, Hamburg, T. (+49)40.28 4 91385621.jpg 200408

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